This page lists some videos by/with us in which we describe and discuss our work in a more abstract fashion (please note that some videos are in German). For more material, please also consider this page in which we list our news to the public at large as well as press contributions featuring our work. If you are interested in our work, please do not hesitate to contact us.
- Munich Quantum Valley with Robert Wille: Why is the exchange between software and hardware developers so important?
- Munich Quantum Software Forum 2024: Summary
- Design Automation for Quantum Computing - Prof. Dr. Robert Wille
- Introducing MQT Qudits – a tool for simulation and compilation of mixed-dimensional qudit quantum circuits
- Overview video of the Munich Quantum Software Forum which took place in October 2023
- TechTalk: “Design Automation for Quantum Computing” (at DAC 2023)
- Panel Discussion “Design Automation for Quantum Computing” (at DAC 2022)
- Das Bayerische Spitzenprofessurenprogramm: Prof. Dr. Robert Wille
- Managing the Complexities of Quantum Computing (edpisode by QuBites)
- Quantum by Design (podcast-edpisode by Qubit FM, in German)
- Quantencomputer: Die Super-PCs der Zukunft? (#realt4lk-podcast by the Upper Austrian Youth Service, in German)
- Design Automation Through the Ages (podcast-edpisode by QubitGuy from the quantum computing software company Classiq)
- Mikrofluidische Systeme: Das Labor auf dem Chip (37. Softwarepark Hagenberg IN-Breakfast, in German)
- Ein ganzes Labor auf einem Chip (KlarText Preis 2019, in German)
- Young Under 40 Innovators Award Panel (DAC 2019)
- Compiling Quantum Circuits to NISQ Devices (IBM’s Qiskit Camp)
- How the World is Run by 0 and 1? (TEDxLinz Talk)
- Wie rechnet ein Computer 1+1?