Public Outreach and Press
This page provides an (incomplete) list of news to the public at large as well as press contributions featuring our work (please note that most articles are in German). For more material, please also consider the videos by/with us. If you are interested in our work, please do not hesitate to contact us.
January 2025: Our “10-year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award” is covered in an article by the Munich Quantum Valley.
October 2024: The Munich Quantum Software Forum we organized got featured in a news post by the Munich Quantum Valley.
June 2024: Lukas Burgholzer’s Heinz Zemanek Award awarded by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) got featured in
- a press release by the OCG (in German) and
- a news article by JKU Linz (in German).
October 2023: We organized the Munich Quantum Software Forum and brought more than 200 peers together to exchange about quantum computing software. Check out the summary on this page!
July 2023: Lukas Burgholzer is featured in the MQV In Persona portrait series of the Munich Quantum Valley (MQV) which gives personal insights into the MQV ecosystem (also available in German).
Mai 2023: Thomas Grurl’s Best Student Paper Award at the International Conference on VLSI Design is featured by Tips (in German).
July 2022: Alwin Zulehner’s award “Promotio sub auspiciis Praesidentis rei publicae” (the highest possible distinction for a doctoral degree in Austria) is featured in this press release by JKU.
June 2022: Lukas Burgholzer’s JKU Early Research Achievement Award is featured in this press release by JKU.
June 2022: The support by the “Distinguished Professorship”-program of the Bavarian High Tech Agenda which provides us with approx. 5 Mio. EUR for the first five years is featured in
February 2022: Robert Wille commented the current chip shortage and the problems in the supply chains of the semiconductor industry in an article by Chefinfo/WeekendMagazin (in German).
February 2022: Our work on quantum computing is topic in the episode QuBites 4.6 - Managing the Complexities of Quantum Computing.
January 2022: Our FFG Project “Advanced Production of Microfluidic Devices through Simulation Methods” is featured in an article “Efficient design of labs-on-a-chip: Design automation and simulation for microfluidics” in The Project Repository Journal by the European Dissemination Media Agency.
January 2022: Our “10-year Retrospective Most Influential Paper Award” is featured in
- a press release “10 Years On: Honors for Work on the Foundations of Quantum Computer Design”,
- an article “Einflussreichste Arbeit”: Preis für JKU-Forscher" by Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, and
- an article “Pioneers of Quantum Computing: We were there from the beginning” by the Bremen magazin up2date.
January 2022: Our ERC Project “Design Automation for Quantum Computing” is featured in an article “Design tools for quantum computing” by the Open Access Government Magazine.
November 2021: Our FFG Project “Advanced Production of Microfluidic Devices through Simulation Methods” is featured in an article by Innovation Origins.
October 2021: Our work on quantum computing is topic in the episode “Quantum by Design” of the podcast Qubit FM.
September 2021: Our FFG Project “Advanced Production of Microfluidic Devices through Simulation Methods” is featured in
August 2021: Our work on quantum computing is topic in the episode “Design Automation Through the Ages” of the podcast by QubitGuy from the quantum computing software company Classiq.
August 2021: Our work on quantum computing is topic in the episode “Quantum Computers: Super-PCs of the Future?" of the podcast #realt4lk by the Upper Austrian Youth Service (in German).
July 2021: Our ERC Project “Design Automation for Quantum Computing” is featured in an article “Quantum Computer are coming! But how to use their potential?" in The Project Repository Journal by the European Dissemination Media Agency.
July, 2021: Robert Wille’s appointment as member of the Technical Advisory Board from Classiq Technologies is covered in this press release.
June, 2021: The work of the concept group shaping the profile of a new Technical University Upper Austria is covered in a press release by the State of Upper Austria (in German).
June, 2021: We discussed with Thomas Stelzer (Prime Minister of Upper Austria) and approx. 40 experts, opinion leaders, etc. about how Upper Austria can further improve its position as a vibrant center for researchers, students, and entrepreneurs (Photo 1, Photo 2).
- This is also covered in an article “LH Stelzer blickt bereits weit in die Zukunft” by Krone.
May 2021: Robert Wille’s appointment as member of the concept group shaping the profile of a new Technical University Upper Austria has been covered in
April 2021: Our work on quantum computing is covered in
- an article “Quantencomputer auf dem Vormarsch - Oberösterreich vorne mit dabei” by Land Oberösterreich,
- an article “Forschung zu Quantencomputern schreitet voran” by Tips,
- an article “Quantencomputer auf dem Vormarsch - Oberösterreich vorne mit dabei” by Regionews,
- an article “Quantencomputer auf dem Vormarsch - Oberösterreich vorne mit dabei” by Salz-TV,
- an article “Software aus OÖ” by Volksblatt, and
- an article “Quantencomputer mit oö. Forschung zum Laufen bringen” by WKO.
December 2020: Our “Consolidator Grant” from the European Research Council (including a funding of 2 million Euro) got featured in
- an article “Wegbereiter für Quantencomputer” by OÖN,
- an article “Top-Auszeichnung für Robert Wille vom LIT” by Volksblatt,
- an article “Bin ein Herzblut-Informatiker” by Kurier,
- an article “18 in Österreich tätige Forscher erhalten vom ERC Millionen-Förderung” by Der Standard,
- an article “ERC-Consolidator-Grant” by Kronen Zeitung, and
- our news.
November 2020: We featured our Best Paper Award from TCAD in our news.
November 2020: Our new tenure-track professor Richard Kueng introduces himself in an interview at JKU.at.
August 2020: The LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab in which we have a part is featured in an interview with Robert Wille.
June 2020: Alwin Zulehner’s Heinz Zemanek Award awarded by the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) got featured in
June 2020: The Nature Physics work by Richard Küng and his Caltch colleagues is covered in our news (see corresponding press release in German).
May 2020: Robert Wille as new Chief Scientific Officer of the Software Competence Center Hagenberg GmbH got featured in
- a press release by Landesrat Markus Achleitner,
- a note “Namen und Nachrichten” by Oberösterreichische Nachrichten,
- an article “In Hagenberg wird’s nordisch nobel” by Mein Bezirk,
- an article “Neuer Leiter für Software Competence Center Hagenberg” by Tips, and
- an article “Neuer wissenschatlicher Leiter verstärkt internationale Sichtbarkeit des SCCH” by Hagenberger Gemeindenachrichten.
April 2020: We are reporting about our experiences in distance learning in an interview at JKU.at.
April 2020: Alwin Zulehner’s EDAA Outstanding Dissertation Award (given by the European Design and Automation Association) got featured in our own news.
March 2020: The Event “Traumberuf Technik” got featured in
December 2019: Our work in teaching and research got featured in an article “Die meisten_wollen_hacken” by “KRONE”.
December 2019: Our project on quantum circuit simulation (together with FH Hagenberg and with support from the State of Upper Austria) got featured in
November 2019: We featured our third place in IBM’s IBM Quantum Challenge in our news.
November 2019: Andreas Grimmer’s Award of Excellence (given by the Austrian Ministry of Education) got featured in
November 2019: Our work on microfluidics got featured in an article “How can we simulate a ‘lab-on-a-chip’?” by the “Science Journal for Teens”.
October 2019: The Opening of the LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab (in which we have a leading role) got featured in
- an article “Student hackt Laptop des Professors” by “Oberösterreiche Nachrichten”,
- an article “Zahnbürste bis hin zu autonomen Autos” by “KRONE”,
- an article “Forschung für sichere digitale Systeme unter einem Dach” by “Volksblatt”,
- an article “Neun Institute für eine sichere IT” by “Tipps”, and
- a video “Eröffnung LIT Secure and Correct Systems Lab” by “Oberösterreiche Nachrichten”.
October 2019: Andreas Grimmer’s “KlarText Preis” got featured in
- his winning article “Ein ganzes Labor auf einem Chip” (published in the German “ZEIT Magazin”),
- a corresponding promo video,
- an article “Verständliches Fachchinesisch” by the “Mannheimer Morgen”,
- an article “Wissenschafts-Preis an Oberösterreicher” as well as a radio contribution by the “ORF” (Austrian radio and television),
- an article “Das Labor im Miniaturformat” at “Ingo”,
- a press release by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung, and
- our own news.
October 2019: Our work on quantum computing got featured in an article “Computer von morgen” by “KRONE”.
September 2019: We featured our Best Research Demo Award from ISVLSI in our news.
June 2019: Our work on quantum computing devices got featured in an article “How can we work with quantum computers today?” by the “Science Journal for Teens”.
June 2019: Our successes and performances at the Design Automation Conference (besides others, an Under-40 Innovators Award as well as a Best Poster Award) got featured in
March 2019: We featured Andreas Grimmer’s Best Poster Prize of the DATE PhD-Forum in our news.
March 2019: Our work on quantum computing got featured in an article “Siebenmeilenstiefel für Computer” by “Kepler Tribune”.
February 2019: Our work on quantum circuit simulation got featured in an article “Classical Simulators for Quantum Computers” by IBM.
February 2019: We gave a TEDx talk in Linz which can be accessed by clicking on this link.
January 2019: Alwin Zulehner’s Student Research Award got featured in our news.
January 2019: Our work on quantum computing got featured in an article “16 Kubikmeter Quantencomputer” by “Oberösterreiche Nachrichten”.
September 2018: Our work on quantum computing got featured in an article “Wie ein Laptop, nur mal 5000” by “Kepler Tribune”.
August 2018: Our first place in IBM’s Qiskit Developer Challenge got featured in
- a blog entry “We Have Winners! … of the IBM Qiskit Developer Challenge” by IBM,
- a blog entry “How Computer-Aided Design helped me winning the QISKit Developer Challenge” at the IBM blog by us,
- an article “Linzer Informatiker siegten in IBM-Wettbewerb für Quantenprogramme” by the “Austrian Press Agency”,
- an article “Linzer siegen bei IBMs Quantencomputer-Bewerb” by “KRONE”,
- an article “Linzer Informatiker siegten in IBM-Wettbewerb für Quantenprogramme” by “Der Standard”,
- an article “Linzer-Informatiker gewinnen Wettbewerb von IBM” by “Oberösterreiche Nachrichten”, and
- our own news.
July 2018: Alwin Zulehner’s work got featured in an interview entitled “Blick in die Zukunft der Computertechnologie” by “Bezirks Rundschau”.
March/June 2018: Our Google Faculty Research Award got featured in
- an article “Quanten-Simulanten: Forscher testen Quantencomputer am Desktop-PC” by the “Austrian Press Agency”,
- an article “Linzer Forscher testen Quantencomputer am Desktop-PC” by “Der Standard”,
- an article “Quanten-Simulanten: Forscher testen Quantencomputer am Desktop-PC” by “Die Presse”,
- an article “Der PC spielt Quantencomputer” by “LIWEST”, and
- our own news.
- January 2017: Andreas Grimmer’s Staatspreis got featured in