
Technical University of Munich
School of Computation, Information and Technology
Chair for Design Automation
Prof. Dr. Robert Wille
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 Munich | Germany
Tel: +49 89 289 23551

How To Find Us

The Chair for Design Automation is supported by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Arts through the Distinguished Professorship Program.

Der Lehrstuhl für Design Automation wird durch das Bayerische Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst im Rahmen des Spitzenprofessurenprogramms gefördert.

Bavarian Coat of Arms

Winter Semester 2022/23

VL Einführung in die Rechnerarchitektur (in German)

Course IDTitleTypeWeekly HoursTeachersRhythm
IN0004 Einführung in die Rechnerarchitektur VL 4V+2Ü Martin Schulz, Matthias Maiterth, Robert Wille, Tom Peham weekly

Lecturer(s): Martin Schulz, Matthias Maiterth, Robert Wille, Tom Peham

Content (in German):

In der Vorlesung werden die Grundlagen von Rechnerarchitekturen und Prozessoren vermittelt. Dies beinhaltet insbesondere:

  • Rechnersichten
  • Assembler
  • Aufbau und Funktionsweise: Hardware, Software
  • Maschinensprache
  • Kodierung von Zeichen und Zahlen
  • Prozessoraufbau
  • Komponenten des Prozessors
  • Pipelining
  • Speicherorganisation
  • Leistungsbewertung

Die Übung begleitet die Vorlesung durch praktische Aufgaben, welche die jeweiligen Konzepte illustriert.

Date and time:

Further information:

  • Contact:
  • ECTS: 8
  • Hours: 4V+2Ü
  • Language: German
  • Subjects: Bachelor Computer Science

VI Introduction to Emerging Technologies

Course IDTitleTypeWeekly HoursTeachersRhythm
CIT3330001 Introduction to Emerging Technologies VI 3 Robert Wille weekly

Lecturer(s): Robert Wille


Computer technologies will change in the near future. The exponential growth of conventional technologies (according to Moore’s Law) will come to a halt, since physical boundaries will be reached soon. At the same time, further system concepts beyond pure electronics emerge. As a consequence, researchers and engineers are currently considering alternative (emerging) computer technologies which work differently to established (conventional) computation paradigms. Examples include quantum computing, reversible circuits, microfludic devices (also known as Labs-on-a-Chip), or field-coupled nanotechnologies. This module provides an overview of these technologies and the corresponding paradigms. This covers an introduction into the respective concepts as well as possible applications. Afterwards, questions of how to efficiently design applications/solutions for these technologies are discussed.

Location and time:

Further information:

  • Contact:
  • ECTS: 5
  • Hours: 3VI
  • Language: English
  • Subjects: Bachelor Electrical Engineering

VI Machine Learning - Methods and Tools

Course IDTitleTypeWeekly HoursTeachersRhythm
EI71040 Machine Learning - Methods and Tools VI 4 Robert Wille, Lorenzo Servadei weekly

Lecturer(s): Robert Wille, Lorenzo Servadei


  • Digital Transformation and Machine Learning
  • Python, standard libraries, SciPY and NumPy
  • Machine learning theory, regularization, error and noise
  • Data analysis, pre-processing, visualization
  • Introduction to Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Introduction to feedforward neural networks and convolutional neural networks, RNNs, LSTM
  • Training neural networks, attention models, unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, hyperparameter optimization

Location and time:
  • Lecture:
    • Fri, 13:00-15:30 (virtual)

Further information:

  • Contact:
  • ECTS: 5
  • Hours: 2VI
  • Language: English
  • Subjects: Master Electrical Engineering

SE Seminar on Topics in Design Automation

Course IDTitleTypeWeekly HoursTeachersRhythm
CIT4320000 Seminar on Topics in Design Automation SE 2 Robert Wille weekly

Lecturer(s): Robert Wille


In this seminar, current topics from the area of Design Automation are discussed among the participants. A structured introduction into scientific literature regarding paper reading, literature research, presentation techniques, and scientific writing is given. The participants are enabled to independently perform all required steps to present a scientific topic in form of a review paper and an oral presentation.

Location and time:

Further information:

  • Contact:
  • ECTS: 5
  • Hours: 2SE
  • Language: English
  • Subjects: Master Electrical Engineering

PR Quantum Computing Software Lab

Course IDTitleTypeWeekly HoursTeachersRhythm
CIT4310000 Quantum Computing Software Lab PR 2V+2P Robert Wille weekly

Lecturer(s): Robert Wille


Quantum computers are becoming a reality. They offer new and powerful paradigms while also introducing new challenges, which, in turn, need different tools and methods to develop with the new paradigms. Accordingly, the design and realization of corresponding quantum computing solutions differs significantly from the conventional design and, hence, requires new software solutions and design methods. This module provides an introduction into the quantum computing paradigms as provides hands-on experiences on corresponding software tools and design automation methods. Different frameworks focused on quantum computing are presented and used to realize selected quantum algorithms in practice.

Location and time:

Further information:

  • Contact:
  • ECTS: 6
  • Hours: 2V+2P
  • Language: English
  • Subjects: Master Electrical Engineering